On Anime Fans in the Black Community

On Anime Fans in the Black Community

Kalyn Womack

At the height  of the quarantine when COVID-19 was at its worst, my routine consisted of a rotation of three shows: “HunterxHunter,” “My Hero Academia,” and “Fairytale.” They were anime [] shows...

About Time: Meet the New Doctor Who Team at NYCC 2018

Shani R. Friedman

In the final installment of our coverage of New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2018, the stars behind TV’s most iconic time-travel series—Doctor Who—talk innovation, hope, and how the show’s spirit of change creates room for new On the last day of New York Comic Con [], after many...

Dietland - Take a Bite

Dietland - Take a Bite

Moxie McMurder

"I was tired of being obedient.” AMC’s new show Dietland is a dark comedy that relishes sharp dissections of uncomfortable subjects, including topics that have been on heavy rotation in the public conversation lately.

Why you should watch Broad City!

Why you should watch Broad City!

Moxie McMurder

Broad City started life in 2010 as a webseries on You Tube and from there it caught the attention of actress and SNL regular Amy Poehler who is now an executive producer on the Comedy Central show.

Review: NPR's Snap Judgement

Review: NPR's Snap Judgement

Shani R. Friedman

The NPR show Snap Judgement, featured a three-piece band and six storytellers. The theme for the night was “Evolution,” showcasing a lineup diverse in gender, colour and sexuality.

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