

FFFest: A Weekend Celebrating the Women Who Make Cinema

Honeysuckle Writes

On October 25-27, the Quad Cinema [https://quadcinema.com/], New York’s first four-screen multiplex theater, was home to FFFest [https://fffest.org/], a series of screenings and panels devoted to the achievements of women in cinema. This is the second year in a row that FFFest has stormed the scene, and its lineup was...

Dietland - Take a Bite

Dietland - Take a Bite

Moxie McMurder

"I was tired of being obedient.” AMC’s new show Dietland is a dark comedy that relishes sharp dissections of uncomfortable subjects, including topics that have been on heavy rotation in the public conversation lately.

Why you should watch Broad City!

Why you should watch Broad City!

Moxie McMurder

Broad City started life in 2010 as a webseries on You Tube and from there it caught the attention of actress and SNL regular Amy Poehler who is now an executive producer on the Comedy Central show.

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