Doja: Issue 20

Doja: Issue 20

Issue 19: Mike Tyson

Issue 19: Mike Tyson

Honeysuckle Magazine
Forever a Champion: Iron Mike Talks Cannabis, Psilocybin, and Healing in Honeysuckle Exclusive with Mike Tyson on Tyson 2.0, Plant Medicine & Personal Transformation

Forever a Champion: Iron Mike Talks Cannabis, Psilocybin, and Healing in Honeysuckle Exclusive with Mike Tyson on Tyson 2.0, Plant Medicine & Personal Transformation

Ronit Pinto and others

Mike Tyson, former heavyweight champion, shares his transformative journey into plant medicine, including cannabis and psilocybin. Through Tyson 2.0, he’s expanding wellness globally with products like Mike Bites. Tyson discusses healing, mindset, and his new ventures in this exclusive interview.

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