Nikki Frias

Nikki Frias

Nikki Frias is a writer at Honeysuckle and creator of After experiencing the stress of pitching and countless emails of "thanks, but no thanks" she decided to build her own platform f

The Unchecked Monopoly of Amazon

The Unchecked Monopoly of Amazon

Nikki Frias

From issues of questionable working conditions to tax avoidance, one thing is clear: Jeff Bezos is out for world domination and a monopoly built upon the labor of the underprivileged.

Black Pioneers

Black Pioneers

Nikki Frias & Candice Lola

Since the era of its inception with Louis Armstrong’s “vipers” and the mix of cannabis with jazz, to the political fight that is still going on today, history makes little to no mention of what black women were doing during these times.

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