Bong Joon Ho Is Watching Us
Bong Joon Ho’s work can thrill us as it pushes us to do better. Hopefully we will come out on the other side a kinder, more compassionate race. Regardless, Bong Joon Ho will be watching us, holding us to account.
Soleil Nathwani is a Consulting Editor and Film Critic at Honeysuckle Magazine. She is a Contributing Editor and Culture Columnist for Rolling Stone India. Formerly a Senior Features Writer and Contr
Bong Joon Ho’s work can thrill us as it pushes us to do better. Hopefully we will come out on the other side a kinder, more compassionate race. Regardless, Bong Joon Ho will be watching us, holding us to account.
Don’t get mad, get even;” pearls of wisdom most boys will hear at some point on their journey to becoming men. Girls, not so much. They aren’t taught to turn their anger into power, courage or revenge. Girls are told to tuck it neatly out of sight lest it should offend. Even as...
Crystal Moselle’s debut feature Skate Kitchen, a narrative film that follows a group of girls and is deeply rooted in their real life experiences, feels truthful and poignant even as the skateboarding that binds them steeps the audience in less familiar territory.
Poster art for Ali Wong's Netflix special HARD KNOCK WIFE (C) Netflix All...
The Tribeca Film Festival [https://www.tribecafilm.com/], which ended last week, made women a...
Soleil Nathwani's review of the 2018 New Directors, New Films Festival.