Intergalactic Electronic Queen: Laura Patiño
Everyone notices Holiday Mountain front woman and keyboardist, Laura Patiño when she enters. And it’s not because her short purple hair is just long enough that when she whips her head around it flies...
Everyone notices Holiday Mountain front woman and keyboardist, Laura Patiño when she enters. And it’s not because her short purple hair is just long enough that when she whips her head around it flies...
Alison Clancy is one talented lass. A singer, dancer, overall performer, we fell in love with her from previous videos and performances as well as her new one, 'Wasted Love,' a collaboration for the theatrical Street Ballet NINE BY SEVEN.
Rachel Claudio had us at ‘hey ya’ The Australian native, now living in Paris, did one of the most achingly gorgeous covers of Outkast we’ve ever heard.
Wasted Love from Alison Clancy. A music collaboration between Alison Clancy, Niki Bernard, Chris Lancaster,
Michael Demyan reviews the music and genius of Flow Morrissey.
Okenyo has drawn comparison to Erykah Badu and Janelle Monae, though I feel this is too limiting a comparison. Trained as a stage actress, the Sydney-based chanteuse sings with the unbridled promise of someone wholly original who makes us see the world is far more vast than we imagined.