Choose Vitality: Move Forward by Meeting Inertia
Here, Tao Minister and mind-body strength expert Tammy Wise shows us that our quadriceps are naturally inclined to move us forward… but sometimes you have to pause in order to accelerate.
Here, Tao Minister and mind-body strength expert Tammy Wise shows us that our quadriceps are naturally inclined to move us forward… but sometimes you have to pause in order to accelerate.
In her running series,Tao [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoism]Minister and mind-body strength expert Tammy Wise is exploring the various areas of the Psyche-Muscular Blueprint [https://honeysucklemag.com/blog/using-breath-unlock-story]. With each column she teaches us to connect to a different area of our internal systems so that we may achieve our best...
Tao Minister and mind-body strength expert Tammy Wise is exploring the shoulders.
In her running series,Tao [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoism]Minister and mind-body strength...