Poor and Prepared: What COVID-19 Has Taught Me About Poverty
We were all so poor that we would call each other poor as a joke and everyone would have a laugh because it was like calling a kid “kid” or and an adult “adult.”
We were all so poor that we would call each other poor as a joke and everyone would have a laugh because it was like calling a kid “kid” or and an adult “adult.”
By M. J. Moore In his short story “Just Like the Girl” (with its sardonic epigram being a line from an old 1890s ditty: “I want a girl, just like the girl that married dear old dad . . .”), author James Jone [https://www.britannica.com/biography/James-Jones]s dramatized a deeply upsetting series of incidents that...
Art has always been a way for people to express the need for social justice. Maya Mercer [https://www.instagram.com/mayamercer.studio/?hl=en] uses her artistic abilities to help one group in particular–the teenagers wrought by class struggle in her rural neighborhood. Often left ignored, Mercer employs art to demonstrate their innocence...