The Doctor Broad: A Mafia Love Story
"The man I kept alive... [was] the “alleged” head of the New England Mafia..."
"The man I kept alive... [was] the “alleged” head of the New England Mafia..."
Mario Puzo [http://www.mariopuzo.com/] died twenty years ago this summer. As a novelist, he remains fixed in the public’s mind for one paramount reason: The Godfather [https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/290370/the-godfather-by-mario-puzo-with-a-new-introduction-by-francis-ford-coppola-a-note-from-anthony-puzo-and-an-afterword-by-robert-j-thompson/9780451205766/readers-guide/] . Michael Corleone’s tormented transformation. Sonny’s temper. Fredo’s fecklessness. The horse’s head scene an...