Elevated Elegance: Cannabis-Inspired Kind Fine Jewelry
Kind Fine is a diverse line with “pieces for every outfit,” from tasteful studs to a blingy diamond cannabis flower pendant to a cheeky 420 necklace.
Kind Fine is a diverse line with “pieces for every outfit,” from tasteful studs to a blingy diamond cannabis flower pendant to a cheeky 420 necklace.
I dropped out of school, partly because I couldn’t handle walking the path of my trauma over and over again, catching sight of him on the bus and across the street. I ran away, but it was too late. The boogeyman had already gotten inside of me.
Firstly, I want to establish something. This is not a review; this is a documentation of an experience. I am not a theatre critic and have neither the qualifications nor desire to be. God knows New York has a surplus of aspiring critics to rival its aspiring actors, and, up to now, the most experience...
Amanda Johnson [http://www.amandajohnsonfineart.com/] carries herself with a quiet sincerity that betrays her upper-midwestern roots. She takes her time answering questions, choosing her words and phrases carefully to get her message across. She has even made notes for our discussion ahead of time, in a spirit of preparation and politeness that you can...
T.lovere seems to have fully embraced this approach to life, and that risk has been a small price for the many forms of connection and inspiration she’s put into the world