Shari Drewett and M.K. Washko, two married New Yorkers, continue the conversation that was featured in HERS (Honeysuckle Summer 2017) about their bistro on 9th Avenue, Better Being 940, and their life together.Naomi: Seriously, how do you work and live together and get along so well? What’s the secret?Shari: We’re together 27 years. We’ve been business partners 23. We approach almost everything from almost opposite directions. She’s brilliant and quietly courageous.MK: She’s confident & fierce.Naomi: The turtle and the hare.MK & Shari: Yes!!!Shari: So we don’t always agree. In fact the first 10 years of business we agreed on exactly zero.MK: At work.Shari: I said business.MK: I was just making sure.Shari: We have challenges. But when you’re given true love, you don’t disrespect.MK: Amen.Shari: Meeting MK, or Homey as I call her, is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. We’re experiencing the world together. The wondrous and the devastating. I think if you can tough it out through the rough parts, it brings you closer together. The little things that used to drive me crazy I now find endearing.MK: I never heard you say that.Shari: Now you did and it’ll be in print and you can hold it in my face for the next 20 years.MK: Oh honey, I love you too {leans in for a kiss}Naomi: Well, the wondrous bits are easy to see. You mention devastation…?Shari: Yes. We’re getting our masters at the school of adversity and devastation.MK: I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s about 11 years ago.Naomi: You look amazing and ARE amazing!MK: Thanks, Naomi. My job now is to be positive and not lose heart. I take it day by day. Shari is my rock and keeps me motivated and laughing. We have our amazing city and a beautiful home upstate. We have a very supportive community of friends and family. In my darkest moments, I meditate on these things.Shari: She’s MY rock. I’ve learned so much from her and continue to every day. In this bat-shit crazy world, we can see what’s important. Love. Love, love, love and love. If it took a fucked up disease to bring it home, so be it. I wish it was different but it’s not. Sorry for the cursing. MK’s supposed to be practicing.Naomi: Cursing?MK: Yes, it’s my therapy. Fuck therapy.Shari: Nice one.Naomi: Haha. You two are delightful and delicious like this room and this salad and the world you’ve created. Parting thoughts?MK: Yes, before taking your first bite, always say: Bon appetite, my friend!