Ten of Pentacles

Focus on creating long-term stability for yourself and your family. Begin by taking stock of your current situation. Do you have enough of what you need to feel secure? Are you making a living wage or struggling to just get by? What structures do you have in place to keep everyone safe? Once you are clear on where you stand, it’s time to begin making decisions for the future. That may mean looking for new work, paying down debts, applying for a loan, or investing in education or a new home. Make strong moves today and the realm can flourish.

This is also a lovely month to reconnect with your family or chosen family. As the weather begins to ease up and days become longer, there may be ample opportunities for small gatherings or weekend visits. Time spent at home with the children or elders strengthens bonds. If you’re thinking of adding a new member to the family (that includes four-legged, finned or feathered friends), there is no better month to open your door and welcome them in.


Featured image: Ten of Pentacles from Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elisabeth Alba. Click here to learn more.

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