It’s April! Now time to get your tarot on. Read with Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady
Monthly Honeysuckle Tarot Draw for this month is April.
This is the card of worry and anxiety, a sign that April may up the stress levels to the max. Sleepless nights and anxious thoughts may make it hard to relax. This could affect your focus but also your ability to feel calm ’n centered. Even if you have some real worries to contend with, it does you no good to get stuck in negative thinking. Instead, this month is best for digging into the source of your anxiety.What is the real cause of your fear? Is it the fear of failure? Or of not being good enough? Or the fear that somehow you’re missing out on something? Whatever the case may be, examine your shadow side with care – this is the way to understand it and heal it. Be sure to seek support as needed.By month’s end, much of this will begin to subside and you’ll start to see that you were protected all along.Read more about The Tarot Lady, here: https://honeysucklemag.com/the-tarot-lady/