Dear Rebel,I’m thinking about leaving my current job, but I’m kind of scared to look for a new one. Is now the right time to pursue a new career?Sincerely,In-Between Dear In-Between,Personally, I think the right time to begin pursuing a new career is when you have a strong desire to pursue something else. But certainly there are some transits that will support you in this more than others. We can discuss these opportunities even though you don’t know the time of your birth. To do this, we’ll look at your solar chart — a chart cast with your sun in the first house instead of your rising sign.As a Pisces, you’ve had Saturn transiting your solar tenth house, the house of your career and legacy. In the house of your chart where you’re experiencing a Saturn transit, things always get harder. There are restrictions — a hiring freeze, restricted income, a new micromanaging boss with a set of rules that make you feel like you’re in a straitjacket at work. Saturn transiting your career house can manifest with such limitations in your job, but only to show you that what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. People who succeed with Saturn transits develop fierce stoicism and push through the limitations. You can create doors for yourself where there were only walls. It will take a good deal of discipline and old-fashioned hard work, but that’s the grit that will make you a Boss by the time Saturn moves into your solar eleventh house in late December 2017.You have another big transit happening too, dear In-Between Pisces: Neptune crossing your natal sun. This is not unlike the transit for Hassled Helper, a multiple Pisces who asked for professional advice a few months ago while Neptune was transiting her midheaven. A Neptune-sun transit can put you in a kind of fog regarding your identity. At first you don’t quite know who you are anymore, or what you want out of life. This long-term transit from the planet of imagination and spirituality, while dogged, realistic Saturn is in your tenth house, can be a tough pairing. You want to escape the troubles of the everyday and focus completely on art or the life of the spirit, and meanwhile Saturn is directing your attention to all of your material concerns. The best way to use this combination of transits is to intuitively move toward the career that most feeds your soul. If you don’t know what that is, ask for higher guidance. Pay attention to what feels right for you. You’re even more sensitive than usual now, so it makes sense that you’re scared, but don’t let your fear get in the way. Envision what your ideal career situation would be, and then have the guts to work toward that. This is how you can cut through the Neptunian fog and find the doorway to your next, better job.When Neptune moves retrograde this Friday (June 16th), he will backtrack toward your natal sun again, meeting it exactly at 12 degrees Pisces from August 31 – October 7, 2017 and January 5 – February 7, 2018. Those exact conjunctions are the most intense periods of Neptune-sun activity, but you will feel this transit through 2019. At their best, Neptune transits can coincide with times of heightened imaginative activity, and increased visibility in music, film, fashion, the arts, or healing and spiritual work. I hope that you are able to use this transit to become the person you always imagined you would be.26Best of luck,RebelTo answer your life questions email with details of birth place and time!
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