Meet master glassblower Adam, also known as Psychedelic Sasquatch, who can often be found in his Bigfoot attire. As he describes himself, “Psychedelic Sasquatch is a 6'6" Bigfoot who is currently melting glass and creating art in St Petersburg, Florida, but he hasn't always been a Florida Man.”
Who Is Psychedelic Sasquatch? The Nomadic Glass Artist
Adam was originally born and raised in Columbus Ohio, where he had dreamed of blowing glass since he took his first puff of weed back in his senior year of high school. In 2012 he moved to California to chase his dreams of learning to blow glass and being a part of the West Coast’s budding cannabis industry. After a few years in Humboldt County, the nation’s largest cannabis-producing region, Adam traveled up to Oregon and had a chance encounter with one of the most talented glass blowers in the world, Buck, who gave Adam his first lesson on the torch.
From that moment, Adam was hooked, and he spent the next ten years traveling the country in his van with his wife and dog, blowing glass in as many states and in as many studios as he could, working with as many different artists as he could. Adam credits everything he knows to the artists he got to work alongside over the past decade: Santa Cruz Glass, Joey Malaquis, Nate Meyers, Ravidas Glass, WJC, Davie Cakes, Erk, the artists at Zen Glass, 8th Wonder Glass, Long Island Glass and frequently returning to Oregon to work with and learn from his old friend Buck. Psychedelic Sasquatch credits Buck with being his main mentor and guide in the glass world.
Psychedelic Sasquatch's Bigfoot Pipes: Functional Glass Art
Cut to the modern day and Adam's Bigfoot pipes (with or without psychedelic Soles) sell out almost immediately when he drops them, and his sculpted sasquatch head pendants are well known in the glass industry for their unique personalities. From Midwestern dreamer, to nomadic weed trimmer to accomplished glass blower, the road has been filled with psychedelics and adventures.
Adam's motto is to live every day like it's your last, having the Hunter S. Thompson quote tattooed on his calf: "Who is the happier man, he who braved the storm of life and lived or he who stayed on shore and merely existed?”
Passionate about decriminalization of cannabis, mushrooms and psychedelics, as well as the preservation of sasquatch habitats, Adam considers himself a true stoner. He spends a lot of his time focused on creating devices with impeccable function that true smokers who plan to actually use their glass art will really appreciate.
If you see him around, say, hi. A sasquatch sighting is almost as rare as one of his glass pieces.

Psychedelic Sasquatch's Cross-Country Travel Weedsday Playlist
For his Weedsday Playlist, Adam’s inner sasquatch got in touch with his nomadic spirit. He says, “Traveling the country has exposed me to a wide variety of music, so here are some of my favorite songs from the road.”
The Devil Makes Three - "This Life"
“This Life” sums up how I feel about being a glass blower. It definitely isn't right for everybody to stand a few inches from a torch for hours on end, to burn your skin on a weekly basis, to break things that you have been working on for days, but when you love melting glass and creating glass art, it sure is right for you.
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Brother Ali - "Self Taught"
The theme of this song is about being self taught. I didn't fit into the mold of the guy who goes to traditional college, I left college after a year and chose to take a different path. My travels and the experiences along the road have been my teachers. Living in a van taught me things about myself I don't think I would have learned in a traditional school. I wouldn't have met the glass artists who shaped my art if I had stayed in college. I’m self taught.
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Grateful Dead - "Ripple"
“Ripple” is on my list because it's a peaceful meditation. It's hard to tell you what it means, you just have to listen to it for yourself. Open your mind and find your meaning.
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Blue Sky Black Death - "Our Hearts Of Ruin"
“Our Hearts Of Ruin” is a great song to create art to. It reminds me of a time that I lived on Highway 1 right on the Pacific Ocean and would make the drive from Oregon to California regularly, feeling immense gratitude for the beauty around me and the daily inspirations from the redwoods and the ocean.
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Tool - "Schism"
I couldn't make a list without a Tool song on it. I chose this one because of the way the instruments are added in slowly, one by one, until there is a harmony of all instruments being played together. It reminds me of how each piece is needed to make the whole, each color to make the rainbow, each step needed to create glass art.
Click here to play on Spotify!
For more about Psychedelic Sasquatch, visit or follow @psychedelicsasquatch on Instagram.
What are your favorite Weedsday tracks? Tell us about them - reach out at @honeysucklemagazine on Instagram and @HoneysuckleMag on Twitter!
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Featured image: Psychedelic Sasquatch blowing glass (C) Sunnie Rizzolo @sunniesunshine