Seven Of Pentacles

A busy month awaits. There is so much to do! It may feel overwhelming. So, take a deep breath and a step back. Assess what needs to be done and what can be delegated or put off. Then, hit it hard with faith that your good efforts will pay off. By the time June comes to an end, you'll be delighted to see your progress. The rewards will show up then, too. But the greatest reward isn't the material - it's the satisfaction in a job well done.

Finances might be on your mind, too. Bills need to be paid, and summer expenses may start to add up. A new budget may be in order. It may also be time to ask for a raise - or to raise your rates. If you don't have enough coming in, it's best to be assertive.


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Featured image: Seven Of Pentacles from THE LOVELY LADIES TAROT (C) Brittany Keller @brittanykellerart. Courtesy of Comparative Tarot. Find out more about the deck here.