Eight of Swords – As 2020 kicks off, take a step back. Go within. How are you creating limits for yourself? In what ways do you assume you’re not living your best life? As you ponder these questions, the answers will begin to bubble up to the surface. You may discover that you’re not as stuck as you think you are. There is room to move, to grow, to make changes – but you can’t see that until you look inside and see how you got where you are. 

We don’t just arrive somewhere without making a decision. In order to get loose and start on a new foot, you must begin by taking inventory of your situation. From there, it’s up to you to release the old ways, patterns, and excuses that have held you in place for too long. Your liberation begins this year. It begins with you. The Eight of Swords is a reminder that it’s always an inside job.

Theresa Reed (aka “The Tarot Lady”) has been a full-time Tarot card reader for close to 30 years. She is the author of The Tarot Coloring Book, an illustrated tour through the world of Tarot with coloring sheets for every card in the deck. Learn more about her at thetarotlady.com.