As we head into another election season, the atmosphere can feel charged—politics seep into conversations, social media feeds, and even our dreams. With heightened emotions and anxiety on the rise, it’s crucial to find ways to cope. That’s where the Crisis Text Line steps in, recently launching a dedicated Election Hotline to provide support for those grappling with election-related stress.

Text Your Way to Support

By simply texting "ELECTION" or “ELECCIONES” (for Spanish support) to 741741, anyone across the U.S. can connect with a live volunteer Crisis Counselor, ready to listen and help. This initiative highlights the organization’s commitment to addressing mental health during what can be an overwhelming time for many.


Dena Trujillo, the CEO of Crisis Text Line, emphasized the importance of this service. “We understand that there is more than just politics at play. Heightened emotions and uncertainty surrounding elections can significantly impact mental health,” she explained. The hotline aims to create a nonjudgmental space for individuals to process their feelings and anxieties, helping them engage in the democratic process with confidence.

The Rise of Election Anxiety

Crisis Text Line has been a lifeline for many, especially during pivotal moments in our political landscape. During the 2016 and 2020 elections, they noted a significant uptick in conversations related to anxiety. In fact, over 40% of individuals reached out on Election Day 2020 to discuss their feelings of unease. This trend reflects a growing recognition that mental health impacts are deeply intertwined with the political climate.

The launch of the Election Hotline comes as a proactive measure, aiming to not only provide immediate support but also to raise awareness about the mental health challenges that can arise during elections. By encouraging people to seek help, Crisis Text Line hopes to destigmatize these feelings and promote open conversations around mental health.

Why Texting Works

For many, the idea of seeking help can be daunting. Traditional methods, such as phone calls or in-person visits, may feel intimidating or even impossible in moments of distress. Texting offers a sense of privacy and convenience, allowing individuals to reach out for help in a way that feels safe and manageable. This accessibility is particularly crucial during emotionally charged times like elections when people may feel more vulnerable.

Crisis Text Line’s trained volunteer counselors provide specific resources tailored for those experiencing election-related stress. They empower texters with coping strategies and encourage them to use their strengths to navigate through turbulent emotions. This approach not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters resilience and self-efficacy.

What to Expect When You Text

When you text “ELECTION” to 741741, you’ll be connected to a trained volunteer who will guide you through your feelings. Whether you’re anxious about the election outcome, frustrated with political discussions, or simply overwhelmed by the noise, the counselors are there to listen and support you without judgment. Their goal is to bring you from a hot moment of crisis to a cool calm.


More Than Just a Hotline

Crisis Text Line is not new to the mental health support scene. Founded in 2013, the nonprofit has handled over 10 million conversations in the U.S. alone, with trained counselors dedicated to helping those in need. They operate 24/7, making support accessible any time of day or night. Beyond the election hotline, individuals can text HELLO to connect with a counselor for any mental health concerns—be it anxiety, depression, or feelings of hopelessness.

In a world where we often feel isolated in our struggles, services like Crisis Text Line are invaluable. They remind us that we’re not alone and that support is just a text away.

Stay Informed and Seek Support

As we gear up for the upcoming elections, it’s essential to prioritize our mental health. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety about the future, feeling overwhelmed by the political landscape, or simply need someone to talk to, Crisis Text Line is there for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out—text ELECTION to 741741, and take the first step toward finding peace of mind during this intense time.

In these trying times, let's keep the conversation about mental health alive and continue to support one another. After all, engaging in democracy should empower us, not weigh us down.

 Connect with via web chat. Visit Crisis Text Line on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Additional information, including how to become a volunteer or how to support Crisis Text Line through donations or partnerships, is available at