Latest Honey: News March 2020

#latesthoney ’03/20

Many of us have been affected economically and have dramatically seen the daily routines of our jobs change.  Others have been impacted even more extremely, on physical and emotional levels. Each of us handles the dramatic circumstances with individual challenges and responses, though we can agree on some communal similarities.  We choose to highlight these variations through our content. Some stories will be pleasant and others will not. 

Please know we are here for you and to reach out to us if there is anything we might assist you with. If you would like to share your stories with us, please submit here:

We ended our month on a regenerative note, with a gorgeous digital mag designed by Sam C. Long.  Honeysuckle and Honey Pot are extremely proud to partner with such forward thinking and leading organizations such as WAFBA (We Are For Better Alternatives)NOCO Hemp Expo and Let’s Talk hemp. In this 3rd digital mag we have done on behalf of NOCO7, we highlight cutting edge topics in hemp, regenerative agriculture, farming, the mycelium kingdom and more. 

Honeysuckle and the NOCO team spoke with experts about critical measures being taken in the field.  Including tribal activist and Harvard grad, Winona LaDuke on her Courtship With Cannabis and the reverence in which we should treat the plant. Attorney Scheril Murray Powell discusses Reflections on Being Black in Agriculture and best selling author Doug Fine on his new book, American Hemp Farmer.

Originally slated for end of March, NOCO7 has been postponed until August 6-8 in Denver. Tickets are available. 

Shout out to Honeysuckle and Honey Pot writers who worked on the NOCO7 Let’s Talk Hemp magazine:Jaime Lubin, Neha Mulay, Keyanah Nurse, Elise Bortz, Doris Prodanovic and Tasnia Choudhury. 

Honeysuckle is always proud to share content from our team. Here are some first person accounts of individual experiences over COVID _19 currently on our site.

The Pain of Quick Goodbyes: COVID-19 and Disrupting College Dreams. 

Contributor and NYU freshman Cortney Connolly reflects on the pain of quick goodbyes as the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly shut down in-person instruction on university campuses across the nation.

Poor and Prepared: What COVID-19 Has Taught Me About Poverty

In this personal essay, writer Candice Lola shares how her experiences growing up as a child of low income Caribbean parents has given her particular insights around poverty and the so-called American Dream within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our own creative director, Sam C. Long created STAY THE FUCK HOME, a short film as a plea to those on the crowded beaches and people not practicing social distancing in the right way.  “I see a disconnect between how serious COVID-19 is and the amount of social distancing Americans are practicing. In anticipation of a much more deadly and widespread outbreak, we created a film that shows the impact of careless actions,” Sam said.

Sam worked with actor Rafael Jordan (One Life To Live) and award-winning husband-and-wife filmmaking team Keeley Koop Sudduthand Michah Sudduth to create STAY THE FUCK HOME a three-minute short created solely over FaceTime. The film was shot and edited in less than 24 hours, due in part to the talented actors.

Thanks for stopping in.   We’re all in this together.