What It Means to Be Human: Multimedia Platform Music Got Your Back from David Bluefield Redefines the Importance of Music

Where words fail, music speaks. Where a joyful tune can lift spirits, a ballad awakens hearts, and both are a clear reminder of what it means to be human.

Music's Transformative Power for Humanity

The transformative power of music on our minds and emotions has long been acknowledged, and research has consistently demonstrated the positive effects that listening to music can have on mental health.

Listening to a song that reflects our current emotional state can be a way to process and understand our emotions. It provides a sense of connection and belonging to its audience, who may identify with its lyrics of themes, and help ease the loneliness that sometimes accompanies life.

It is in our nature to crave connection, and music, although not physical, can be highly comforting and necessary. Listening to a tune that sounds good and describes the state of mind someone is in just hits differently, like a warm hug on a cold night. It gives us the courage to brave through difficult times and boosts confidence levels when we feel down. A testament to its power, music has been used throughout history as a tool to bond mere mortals together and make us feel…alive. It is vast and multifaceted and continues to be a fundamental part of human culture and expression.

On a more physical level, research has shown its ability to alter brain function and improve cognitive function, making it a powerful tool for enhancing learning and memory.

Music icon David Bluefield, creator of Music Got Your Back (C) David Bluefield

Award-Winning Composer David Bluefield Creates Music Got Your Back

Music's transformative powers are well known to David Bluefield, a talented musician, producer, and composer who now stands as a household name in the industry. Bluefield is a former Warner Brothers recording artist who has worked with numerous industry figures, including Steven Spielberg, Prince, Stevie Nicks, Ringo Starr, Three Dog Night, Steve Martin, Tim Buckley, Garth Brooks, and Ice Cube. Notably, Bluefield played the synth for the Mother Ship's communication in the sci-fi classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Over the years, he has gained a reputation for collaborating with some of the biggest names in entertainment.

He believes everyone deserves access to the therapeutic benefits of music and has poured his heart into making “Music Got Your Back” – his new song and platform –  as accessible and user-friendly as possible to the grand public.

Music Got Your Back offers four key features: a platform for sharing stories; a contest for engagement and participation; a comprehensive music discography; and a community hub for music enthusiasts and musicians to come together and utilize the healing power of music.

Check out David Bluefield's "Music Got Your Back" theme song:

What's the Mission of Music Got Your Back?

“I believe music has a profound impact on everyone’s life and can be an ally, especially in the worst of times,” Bluefield explains on the website. “I created a campaign, contest, and movement called HOW MUSIC GOT YOUR BACK. The campaign’s purpose is to get people to share their stories about a time when music helped them through a tough time. I want the world to know how music impacts individuals’ lives.”  

The story submission feature of Music Got Your Back is available to anyone who has experienced the healing power of music in their own life. This could include finding a song that helped lift someone out of depression or the soundtrack of their life, the one that carries them through any and every obstacle.

All types of genres can be submitted, from electronic dance music to country and rap, at the end of the day, sound is sound, and all are welcome.

David Bluefield Grows a Community with Music Got Your Back

“I created [How Music Got Your Back] as a contest/campaign/participation for young and old to share and describe their personal experience with music,”  added Bluefield.

For some, music speaks louder than words, and this new and creative way of catching a glimpse into someone’s life without intruding can help others feel less alone along their journey.

“The campaign’s purpose is to get people to share their stories about a time when music helped them through a tough time. I want the world to know how music impacts individuals’ lives.”

It is only the beginning of David’s venture, and already, a community is starting to form. A quick look at the site reveals countless quotes from users who have shared their personal stories.

“Being a first-time mom and then my husband was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that affected his spine and reduced his mobility just three months after I gave birth brought so many emotions in me,” user Gamela commented. “It felt like our lives were falling apart. Back then, music has been a genuinely great help, more like therapy to me. I listen to songs when I am down, and my mood automatically changes.”  

To read more about Gamela’s story and countless others, visit Music Got Your Back today.


Currently working as a copywriter and in PR, Dannie Le provides articles, press releases for a plethora of clients from diverse industries. From Montreal, Canada, she is an avid learner and believes in the power of strategic partnerships. When she’s not writing, she enjoys a good coffee, traveling, and taking life head-on.


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David Bluefield

Alter New Media

Dannie Le


Featured image: (C) Cottonbro Studio