Weekend Podcasts from the Honey Team

It’s Friday and amidst all of the chaos, unknown and city-wide shutdowns due to the corona virus, #COVID-19, our editorial team put together a list of thoughtful  podcasts in order to help you ‘chillax.’  So breath, take a load off, learn and listen.

On Being – Krista Tippett interviews people from artists to physicists to spiritual leaders about the nature of their childhood and its spiritual grounding, their lives and the nature of the world as they grew up to see it. This show tends to have a larger than the person feel and is grounding and uplifting.



On being also produces two other shows called Becoming Wise (a less than 10 minute moment of wonder or wisdom) and Poetry Unbound in which the host reads out a poem (the selections have been beautiful) and then talks about it briefly and reads it again.

Becoming Wise


Poetry Unbound


Meditative Dharma talks from Audio Dharma. These talks come from the Insight Meditation Center.

Audio Dharma

Desert Island Discs. A long running BBC radio show where the host interviews a range of incredibly talented people about their lives.  It’s anchored by eight songs that have shaped the person and that they would like to take with them on a desert island. It’s also a great way to explore music new and old.

Desert Island Discs


Modern Love. This is based on the NYT column where people write in about stories of love. This is the audio version of those stories. What better time to listen to people talk about love and connection.


The below are single episodes that are relevant for right now. Two recent episodes of The Daily: Audio of a NYT profile writer’s interview with Tom Hanks from several months ago which has a focus kindness. And an episode of The Daily which provides three short snippets of book passages which are so soothing for this moment. The third single episode below is an episode of Call Your Girlfriend where the two hosts talk about community in the time of Coronavirus.

Tom Hanks audio piece from NYT’s The Daily


Short book passages from NYT’s from The Daily


Call your girlfriend – Coronavirus Community episode


All the above are available for free on stitcher if you have an android phone as well.