Vape Product Mail Ban: Everything You Need To Know As A Consumer and Business

Most consumers of vape products such as CBD, THC and tobacco know that there are varying ways to get your vapes. Conveniently consumers have been able to buy batteries, cartridges and other vape products online, of course with the exception of Delta 9 THC vape cartridges. But sadly that convenience is coming to an end. The PACT [Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking] Act has been recently amended by Congress to now include e-cigarettes and all vape products. 

What is the PACT Act?

The PACT Act went into effect back in 2010 and banned tobacco products such as cigarettes, roll-your-own products and smokeless products from being sold and shipped via U.S. postal services. Companies, retailers, shipment workers and delivery services must also register to sell these products under this act. 

The PACT Act Now Includes Vape Products

Until February 2021, the PACT Act did not apply to vape products as they were a smaller and relatively unknown category at the time of the act’s initial passage. Now they are among the most rapidly-growing categories, with Euromonitor reporting an estimated 55 million people worldwide will be using vapes regularly in 2021. The industry’s growth, which reached $15.7 billion in 2018 and could grow to as much as $40 billion by 2023, caused the government to pay more attention to vaping products. Recent concerns over the products’ possible contributions to teenager and young adult deaths also spurred Congress to expand PACT to cover vapes,  including e-cigarettes, batteries, cartridges whether they are full or empty and other products that are used for vaping are prohibited from being sold and shipped through the U.S. The main concern with vaping products was with e-cigarettes because of the fentanyl scandal. Sadly this scandal has unfairly tainted the reputation with CBD and THC vape products which has brought on harsher regulations making it even harder for manufacturers and cannabis companies to produce their products and do business. 

How Does This Affect Me As A Consumer?

If you are a consumer of vape products, you will no longer have the convenience of purchasing your favorite products online and getting them shipped right to your door. Consumers will now have to go to registered retailers to buy any vape products, including CBD vapes, THC vapes and tobacco vapes. Even if you are not consuming a tobacco-based product, one must go through the same process to make a purchase. Vapes are also being taxed like all other tobacco products, meaning your favorite products will now increase in price. 

Consumers are outraged by this ban. Most consumers are annoyed by the issue that a decent amount of vape sales has nothing to do with the consumption of tobacco, such as CBD vapes, herbal vapes or even Delta-8 THC vapes. Consumers are also irate that they cannot purchase batteries online, decorative batteries for vape being a popular product. 

How Does This Affect Me As A Business?

Businesses are really going to be hit hard with this ban, especially small businesses. Online retailers made a large amount of profit from digital sales of vape products. According to the CDC’s study, approximately half of all e-cigarette sales in the US in 2019 were made online, and RTI’s research showed that vape products from CBD companies surveyed, such as CBDfx, increased online sales by 235 percent between 2018 and 2020. The CBD and cannabis industry is going to suffer greatly from this new addition to the PACT Act. 

As a business, one must fill out the proper paperwork in order to register themselves and be allowed to produce and sell vape products. The form to register with the U.S Department of Justice can be found here. Once approved by the Attorney General, the company or business can continue to manufacture their products, but they cannot be shipped by U.S mail and the raw materials cannot be purchased and shipped via mail. Companies will now have to purchase large quantities of their raw materials and have them sent via boat in order to make their products. 

In addition to the non-mailing and registration, businesses and companies must file a monthly report with the state to show who is receiving, delivering and how much of the product is being sent. The ban was set for USPS, but as of March 1, 2021, major shipping companies like UPS and Fedex have also announced bans on shipping vape products, making it even harder for companies to distribute their inventory. 

For more information on how to register your business and make sure your business is complying with the laws click here.

Although it is disheartening that this ban is affecting wonderful and beneficial CBD and THC products you can still purchase them at local shops. The best way to navigate vape products is to do your research prior to purchasing, making sure the product you love is filled with clean and safe ingredients. 

The April 26, 2021 deadline set by Congress has passed without USPS publishing a final rule prohibiting shipping vapor products through the US Mail.
While vapor businesses are still allowed to ship via USPS, they must also comply with other parts of the law. Companies like Dollar E-Juice Club are still able to ship to select states where we are licensed. These states include: Arizona, Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Washington.
If you are in these states, you can still shop e-juice until further notice from USPS.  The DJC Team is also working on alternative shipping options in order to service more states and areas, and hope to be servicing over 65% of states very soon. We will keep you updated as progress is made throughout the week.
Remember, if you want to see DJC in a store near you, we highly encourage you to submit your local vape shop so we can reach out and work to ensure they carry your favorite DJC products and flavors. The delay in publishing the final rule is being attributed to an overwhelming number of comments submitted by individuals and industry.

While the USPS is committed to publishing the final rule, no clear timeframe is being discussed. Like the USPS, the expected  final rule should be soon. Take advantage of the extended deadline, and stock up on vape juice at DJC before it’s too late.  It’s not too late to continue taking action against the Vape Mail Ban!
Placing bans against vapor and other smoke-free nicotine products discourage people who smoke from switching and send the inaccurate message that smoking and vaping pose similar risks to health. Take a moment to send a brief message to members of Congress expressing your opposition to the federal ban on vapor products.
Click the button below to take action. The CASAA link makes it simple and easy for your voice to be heard.

If you have more questions about the PACT Act and how your business can continue to sell contact the ATF: 

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement Branch

99 New York Avenue, N.E.

Washington, DC 20226

Telephone: (202) 648-7130

Fax: (202) 648-9725
