Top 5 Female Influencers in the Cannabis Space

Top 5 Picks by Honey Pot

Female Influencers in the Cannabis Industry

Females are becoming heavy hitters for promotion, legalization, and expansion of cannabis. From clothing to comedy, women are gaining traction. They’re female entrepreneurs paving the way for financial stability. By presenting a variety of dynamic cannabinoid products women are gaining traction. Female influencers are playing a major role as entrepreneurs who are changing many facets of our business culture and the cannabis industry. Here are the top five picks.

1. Amanda Smith, Canna Style


CEO Amanda Smith is putting the biz in Canna biz. Canna Style features cannabis apparel, accessories. Smith got into this line of work after the frustration that products in this industry lack the feminine touch. By setting out to create items that she could not find, Smith gained more than 30k followers in her first year on Instagram! Canna Style includes pipes, leopard print rolling papers, and odorless leather bags. The products are sleek, artistic, and most importantly, great quality. Honey Pot loves to see people smashing the stigma of smoking weed. Smith’s goal is “eliminating the shame and stigma surrounding cannabis consumption while offering fashionable pieces for an elevated smoking experience.” The combination of female and fashion have made Canna Style a household brand. As Smith explained “We provide a platform for women to come together and celebrate cannabis.” Check out Cannastyle at

2. Mia O. Savage, Artist, Model, Dabber


Artist, model and dab fanatic, Mia O. Savage is making waves. This Dutch and Cantonese model promotes, smokes and educates. Originally from Hong Kong, her home is in Southern California. Savage has influence due to her multicolored bongs, pipes, and marijuana. On Instagram, Savage promotes cannabis products including bath bombs, edibles and CBD coffee. When asked about her cannabis platform, Savage said, “Cannabis is important to me. It helped me recover from an eating disorder. I know there are probably plenty of people like me out there. So, I share my experiences. That’s because I don’t want them to feel alone or afraid.” Her advocacy allows even the most knowledgable – whether they smoke, dab, eat or vape – get educated on new and upcoming products in the ganja realm. Under one of her posts, Mia O Savage gives more insight on her intentions, stating “fighting the stigma, with art.” Check out her art page at

3. Carli Jo, Cannabis Sensuality Coach


Making waves on the pages of the New York Times, Carli Jo, the Cannabis Sensuality Coach, is the kinkiest in our top 5 list. She leaves her followers saying “Oh!” We mean that in the best of ways. The coach’s IG account includes beautiful images of painted vulvas and dancing vaginas. She reminds us how sexy sex and cannabis can be. However, according to Carli Jo, “Cannabis is just one of the many tools in my Sensual Tool Box.” Her website lists upcoming sex classes and quizzes. The goal is always to find the best high for sexual gratification. Through events, couples embark on a passionate journey to discover their sexual core. In the process they become attuned to the rhythms of their own bodies. Jo’s mission is to “Save the world one orgasm at a time.” She says, “Your pussy called and she’s ready to party.” And who wouldn’t dab, smoke or vape to that? Check her out at @cannabissensualitycoach on instagram or visit her website via

4. De’Janae Evins, Green Goddess Glow (GGG)


GGG is the epitome of black girl majestic in the cannabis space. While working at a dispensary, and as a freelance writer, De’Janae Evins, combined the two. Hence, this brilliant female influncer created the go-to place for Black + Well. So, that’s where you’ll find hemp based beauty products. Evins guides her clients to the best health and wellness products. GGG’s mission is “to use the Earth’s herba buena” to “create more mindful self-care practices. And to promote overall holistic wellness.” At GGG, you’ll find the latest greatest items available for health and beauty in the cannabis space. Check out upcoming events De’Janae and learn about her personal consultation services. You can check out her newsletter and website via

5. Sara Weinshenk, Comedy Central Host of Smoking and Shenk


Comedian Sara Weinshenk is booked and busy! She is the Comedy Central host for Shenk For Smoking, an online whimsical weed show you’re sure to enjoy. This female influencer powerhouse is also the creator of the Shenk podcast. “I want to change the stigma around cannabis,” she told us. Her mission is to “show the world that cannabis and comedy are spaces for women.” Shenk features hilarious conversations combining comedy, cannabis and fashion. As an actress, producer and writer, Shenk also works on TV projects like Stone Science and Pot Pie. We love her Instagram. Why? Because it’s a true reflection of her personality – colorful, funny and fashionable. “My mission is to bring more awareness to cannabis via comedy and fashion.” You check out her Shenk podcast on iTunes or Spotify and follow her on Instagram at @princessshenk.

Guest contributor Nikki Frias is the creator of She is a freelance writer living in Brooklyn, NY.