Blck Neon Thanksgiving: Cheryl Dupris talks with Sheldon Raymore and Sparrowhawk on their recent trip to Standing Rock and gems of preserving American

US Army veteran, Cheryl Dupris of the Minneconjou tribe, moderates a talk between Sheldon Raymore, of the Cheyenne River Sioux, and Sparrowhawk, aka Kak-u’-nui Goyahkla Onixohtlak of the Apache; on their time at Standing Rock, North Dakota for pipeline opposition protests. They discuss their concerns for the future, their experiences on the front lines and their work in preserving important Native values.Perhaps when many of us sit together with our families this Thanksgiving, we can remember too, the tribes of people who were here thousands of years before us, who exist here still, and have been voicing their love for the life and sustenance of our planet all along.
Standing Rock from BLCK NEON on Vimeo.
Some further thoughts and pearls of wisdom from Kak-u’-nui Goyahkla Onixohtlak, Sparrowhawk.
Notes from Sparrowhawk from BLCK NEON on Vimeo.Cheryl, Sheldon and Sparrowhawk are affiliated with the American Indian Community House, a behavioral health PTSD clinic for Native veterans and Native civilians. Video was shot at their center in NYC. Find out more here: http://www.aich.orgIf you feel called to assist in this effort, you call the White House today at 202-456-1111 or send a message to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Facebook