Quantum Leaps with Kate Mulder and Michael Klein

We’re not at the end of the world—just the world as we know it. It’s time for a major paradigm shift to quantum thinking, or understanding how ecosystems, economic structures, and social cultures connect. Quantum applications in areas from agriculture to finance to meditation are now becoming known as “regenerative” practices, and such techniques hold the key to surviving our current global crises like climate change, limited food production, and a polluted water supply.

But before we can unlock the secrets of the universe, we need to speak its new language. Honeysuckle interviewed regenerative experts Kate Mulder and Michael Klein, co-founders of Neusis Global, a company innovating solutions for the next industrial revolution. They shared some insights on how greater mindfulness will shape our future.

When we say “quantum” and “regenerative,” we’re essentially talking about holistic thinking, realizing that every part affects the whole. What are the first steps people should take to change their perspectives?

KATE MULDER: A lot of humans need crisis in order to evolve. 99 percent of the world is not aware of how much things are going to shift [in the near future]. But there’s an opportunity for what I call the full-spectrum economy, for people to come together. There’s a new framework of regenerative building blocks for humanity; I see them as lifeboatsfinancial structure, land structure, reverse desertification… I didn’t expect agriculture to be one of them, but [it makes sense]… It’s really a simple question of, “Am I thinking on a linear level, or am I open to solutions that are multidimensional? Do I believe in some form of agriculture and economy that’s a win-win-win scenario and multiple-revenue-generating?” That’s the first step. The things that we work on are getting people to realize [quantum] is what they need to access… It’s a business asset, a marketing asset, and that can be applied to every aspect of new solutions for these lifeboats.

MICHAEL KLEIN: This theme of oneness is the universe coming back together. So to help that oneness on the human level, we have to start becoming friends with everything. As a homeopath, I talk [to patients] about, “You’re having this sensitivity to this thing because you have to learn how to become friends with it.”

KM: As a human race, we see a big problem and then because we’re such hunter-gatherers, because there’s such a need to find out what’s causing the lack of regeneration in the planet and the soil, one of the things we have decided in this day and age is that carbon’s the enemy… It’s the one thing we can track and then go fight. It’s a facet, but if we’re going to go back to this society and these systems and this one approach, it’s understanding that it’s so many other things besides the carbon, and to look at every causality as an input, as a piece of the whole that affects everything.

MK: When you become myopic and look at the horizon and go, “Carbon’s the enemy,” to me, carbon’s not the enemy. It’s essentialone of the building blocks of life. It’s certainly my friend. You need to understand what role it plays in a holistic system.

KM: As a businesswoman with a background in biology, I hope it becomes natural for businesspeople to start thinking about a systematic approach.

Image: Kate Mulder

But first we have to see where we fit into those systems.

MK: The truth is, we’re related to everything. And we should be, and it’s okay. There’s a lot that happens through proprioceptionyour physical awareness. Your nervous system can handle 72 inputs per second… That’s everything: temperature, words, the way your chair feels on your ass…

KM: I think that’s a good segue into regenerative agriculture too, because when you understand your response time as humans or as plants or as the soil, you are going to be regenerative in your consciousness. You’re going to be aware of all of that, as opposed to certain industries that focus on a specific outcome, a specific field, color, etc. And the equal vitality and expression of that plant, which will lead to a returning to food and medicine.

MK: Let’s restore food to its role as medicine. Start with food first, because without the nutritional foundation, medicine won’t be effective.

Is that where sociocultural behaviors come in?

MK: Regenerative culture is its own keyword. [As a pre-med student] I was allowed to develop a holistic health major… That gave me two years to wake up and realize that medicine was not health, that there’s a little bit more, and culture was going to be a part of it. I was able to pull some of these things in: Plant soil science, cultural anthropology, fiscal anthropology, how we’ve been kind of degenerating, how that relates to nutrition that got cut out of medical school, and all these other things.

How will transparency be part of a regenerative economy?

KM: There’s now this commonality of people who are thinking, “How was this made?” and just continuing to push that envelope.

MK: People have to want to be aware… It’s like, acknowledge the cancer and stop feeding those areas that are cancerous. Look at the labels! Vote with your dollars as responsibly as possible, because that’s the way the world is changed.

KM: Two things are happening. One is demonetization or “things getting cheaper.” But what I envision with agriculture and business and [cryptocurrency] is that we’re going to be in these modern tribes living in this coven-spoke model… Now, because there’s a generation around [food and water] solutions coming to market, I feel there is more value in these people coming together in regenerative economies. Agriculture is part of it, but other, more decentralized businesses work in self-sustaining matrices that go into that economy in a different and much more holistic way.

20-30 percent of our workforce could be automated in the next few years, but we’re also part of a conscious evolution that’s happening, so I see [artificial intelligence] as a positive thing. I see that as outsourcing the linear portion of our brains… And so there’s a regenerative, economic, multidimensional approach that we can take when we just accept that that’s going to happen.

Image: Neusis Global

There are “collective consciousness” studies which show that once 5 percent of a population has adopted a behavior, it will automatically be picked up in other locations. How does that connect to quantum?

KM: Only 5 percent of human behavior is determined by the conscious mind, because what’s actually happening underneath is the unconscious… We have a software program of the mind that’s steering everything and guiding us on an unconscious level. So this connection to this collective conscious mind goes beyond time and space, and that’s where you step out of that linear framework.

[I was part of a research group] studying the morphogenic field and our energetic frequencies. The person being monitored would mirror the frequencies of the person sitting across from them. Their energetic state was affected by the people around them.

MK: Enlightenment says you have to be neutral. That’s the element of oneness.

KM: Neutral doesn’t mean passive; it’s just not charged. It’s metaphysically impossible to transform somebody else’s state when you’re charged. When you’re connected at the highest frequency, nature abhors a vacuum and allows the person next to you to save it. So I don’t believe in being angry about [climate change deniers]. You can’t change people in that forceful state.

MK: You can’t make someone see what’s more right when you’re making them more wrong.

Image: Michael Klein

So we should be examining every major issue, from climate change to global stock markets, from a holistic point of view?

KM: Biology, dissectingwe spend so much time getting to the micro. But now from a regenerative standpoint, we’re putting everything back together. Science is coming back around to that agriculture/economy/finance approach that’s connected and expanding. It’s rebuilding itself. As Masanobu Fukuoka said, “The role of agriculture is not the cultivation of crops, but the perfection of human beings.”