Product Review: VedaWarrior (CBD + Ayurveda) “Focus Balance Kapha”

What are some benefits of CBD?

  1. Anxiety
  2. Stress
  3. Inflammation
  4. Sleep
  5. Nausea

What is Ayurveda?

A traditional Hindu use of medicine, founded on the belief of balance in bodily systems through diet, herbal treatment & yogic breathing.

They utilize the term “doshas” separated into 3 categories; Kapha, Pitta & Vata.

  1. Kapha: Earth & Water
  2. Pitta: Fire & Air

Vata: Air & Space

(Balancing the doshas is similar to finding equilibrium or homeostasis.)

This blend contains;

Ashwagandha: an adaptogen, balances hormones, builds muscle mass, regulates circadian rhythm (sleeping patterns) & good for stress.

Bacopa: sometimes referred to as “Brahmi” an adaptogen, good for anxiety, stress, sleep, inflammation & memory.

Turmeric: good for inflammation & arthritis.

(There are additional herbs with even more benefits, but these are a few that I really like & thought deserved a highlight.)

Flavor? Potency? Effectiveness?

No flavor really, they are small softgels which are fairly easy to take & they are vegan-friendly.

10mg per capsule, I’m definitely a big fan of these, the combination is genius & very innovative.

I find that I take a smaller dose of CBD with these, due to the Ayurveda combination, it is equally, possibly more effective in helping me get more restful sleep, recover from exercise & focus throughout the day.

Where can you find this?

*VedaWarrior’s website

*Disclaimer: I am an affliate of this company.

Here is my affliate link

** They are a trustworthy source of quality CBD & Ayurveda, which is why I’m happy to be a part of their mission.

Please check out their Instagram or website for more information on CBD & Ayurveda!

Social Media Handle(s): IG: @VedaWarrior

Cecilia Leigh Howard

NY MMJP, SAG-AFTRA actress & cannabis advocate, working in cannabis for 5 years all over North America, budtending, trimming or cultivating.

She is a writer, copyeditor & social media contributor for the Honey Pot by Honeysuckle Magazine.

Social Media Handle(s): IG: @cecileighowa Twitter: @cecileighowa