October's Tarot Draw: Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles: The work seems to be never-ending and the rewards are scant at best. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re not seeing results for all your good effort. But you must remain patient for things are happening under the surface. Everything will pay off eventually - trust in the work and keep going. It’s okay to step back for a minute to assess your growth and problems. From there, you can regroup and come at it again with fresh eyes.
Finances need attention all month long. Bills are coming due, money is slow to arrive, and other people seem to be behind every eight ball. Deep breaths - and a bit of persistence - will ensure you get on top of your revenue soon enough. By the time October comes to an end, you may be surprised to see signs of growth. They were there all along… You simply got distracted with how much needed to be done.
Featured image: Seven of Pentacles from The Modern Witch Tarot (C) Lisa Sterle. For more info and to purchase the deck, visit lisasterle.com or follow @lisasterle on Instagram.