Governor Newsom's Emergency Hemp Rules: A Controversial Move with Serious Consequences

Governor Newsom’s Emergency Hemp Rules: How New Regulations Could Impact Families Relying on CBD

One Hemp Explores Newsom Lawsuit for Skirting Democratic Process Emergency Hemp Rules Bulldozed by Gov Harm California’s Most Vulnerable

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to enforce emergency hemp regulations is stirring up significant controversy, particularly among families who rely on hemp CBD products for their loved ones' well-being. The new rules, announced last Friday, ban synthetic Delta 8 and high-THC hemp products. However, the sweeping nature of these regulations—introduced without legislative approval—has raised concerns that natural hemp CBD products, essential for many individuals, are being unfairly targeted.

The Backdrop: Newsom’s Emergency Measures

The emergency measures Newsom introduced aim to address issues surrounding synthetic Delta 8 and high-THC hemp products. But the broad and unrefined language of the new regulations has left many natural hemp CBD products unprotected. These products are crucial for people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and veterans who depend on them to manage seizures, pain, sleep issues, and more.

The controversial aspect of these regulations is that they were imposed without the usual democratic process. This has left many feeling that Newsom has overstepped his authority, bypassing the state legislature and potentially harming vulnerable communities.

Personal Stories of Struggle

Stephanie Bohn, a California mom whose 10-year-old daughter Sadie has Rett syndrome, is a poignant example of the impact these regulations could have. Sadie’s condition led to severe seizures that were only managed effectively with full-spectrum hemp CBD. Since beginning this treatment, Sadie has been seizure-free for over a year, significantly improving her quality of life. The news of the new regulations has left Bohn and her family feeling betrayed and worried that their access to essential medication might be jeopardized.

“This is more than just a policy issue; it’s a life-or-death situation for many families like mine,” Bohn explains. “Governor Newsom needs to recognize the needs of children like Sadie who depend on CBD for their health and well-being.”

Kelley Coleman, another concerned parent, shares a similar sentiment. Coleman’s son also relies on CBD products for his health. She expresses fear that these emergency rules will force families like hers to suffer as they lose access to critical treatments.

The Broader Implications

The emergency rules are a direct response to Bill AB 2223, which failed to pass the Senate Appropriations committee. Newsom’s approach to banning Delta 8 products is seen by some as a necessary step to rid the hemp industry of bad actors. However, advocates argue that this could also impact responsible hemp companies that adhere to quality and safety standards backed by science.

Jared Stanley, a founding member of One Hemp, voices frustration over Newsom’s decision. “We support the goal of eliminating unsafe products, but the way Newsom is going about it will hurt legitimate businesses and the families that rely on their products for a better quality of life.”

One Hemp, a group of families and advocates, is now considering a lawsuit against Governor Newsom. They argue that the emergency regulations bypass the normal legislative process and fail to adequately consider the needs of those who depend on natural hemp CBD. The lawsuit aims to hold Newsom accountable and ensure that any changes to hemp regulations are made through proper legislative channels.

The Office of Administrative Law is expected to review the emergency rules based on three key factors:

  1. Is this an actual emergency?
  2. Does it align with federal hemp guidelines, specifically the 0.3% THC limit in consumer products?
  3. Does Governor Newsom have the authority to enforce these measures without legislative approval?

Looking Ahead: A Call for Fair Solutions

Advocates for natural hemp CBD products are urging Newsom to reconsider his approach. They point out that other states have successfully banned Delta 8 products while still protecting natural hemp products. Such solutions could provide a balanced approach that addresses safety concerns without sacrificing access to essential treatments.

As the debate continues, parents of disabled children are anxiously stockpiling CBD products, fearing that the new regulations could go into effect as soon as next week. For many families, the stakes are incredibly high. The outcome of this situation will not only impact the hemp industry but also the health and lives of those who rely on these crucial products.

The Bigger Picture

This unfolding issue highlights the complexities of regulatory actions and their far-reaching effects on individuals and families. As Governor Newsom’s emergency rules face scrutiny, the hope is that a fair and balanced resolution will emerge—one that protects vulnerable populations without undermining public health initiatives.

For those interested in the personal stories behind the headlines, Paige Figi, Stephanie Bohn, and Kelley Coleman are available for interviews. Paige, a prominent advocate and the Executive Director of Coalition for Access Now, continues to fight for federal protections for CBD, driven by her own experiences and the legacy of her late daughter Charlotte.

In this critical moment, the voices of affected families and advocates are crucial in shaping a solution that truly addresses both safety concerns and the needs of those who rely on hemp CBD products for their survival.

Hemp Roundtable's General Counsel, Jonathan Miller, regarding Governor Newsom's emergency hemp regulations that were announced today. Let me know if you have any questions, or would like to speak with us further on the phone.

Note from Hemp Roundtable's General Counsel, Jonathan Miller: "Today’s “emergency” action by Governor Newsom is a betrayal of California hemp farmers, small businesses, and adult consumers. After having supported AB 45, which created a sound regulatory framework for the manufacture and sale of hemp products, Newsom’s Administration fell on the job and failed to take any steps to enforce it.  Now, instead of addressing legitimate regulatory concerns shared by all good actors in the cannabis space – such as establishing reasonable policies to keep intoxicating products out of the hands of children – Governor Newsom instead has proposed a complete retail prohibition on 90-95% of popular hemp products for adults, including most non-intoxicating CBD products that he purports to support in his public communications.  And in the middle of massive California budget deficits, he is unnecessarily throwing away nearly a quarter billion dollars in tax revenue from legitimate small businesses. We will be exploring all legal options in the coming days with California hemp farmers and businesses that comprise the multi-billion-dollar industry that this action would destroy."