"Motherhood Sex Marijuana" Podcast Founders Ruby Doll And Kai Storm Are Building A Safe Space For All In Cannabis

The Motherhood Sex Marijuana podcast, created by Ruby Doll and Kai Storm, explores perspectives in diverse experiences surrounding parenting, sexuality, and cannabis consumption. Through in-depth conversations, Ruby and Kai introduce their audience to authentic stories from people living and working in the cannabis and wellness spaces, diving into subjects like parental trauma, women’s health, pleasure and kink, body positivity, and much more. Their podcast features a vast spectrum of expert guests, including musical artist Paper Posh, Max Moyer of Max’s Wake N Bake Tours, comedian and producer HighAndHappy, and massage therapist Nicky Nicole of Cannamist Massage

Honeysuckle caught up with Ruby and Kai to find out more about their journey building Motherhood Sex Marijuana - the duo just celebrated their second live event this summer, and they're focused on bringing more of their wellness education and discussions to all platforms. "Mama said there'd be days like this," but she never told us that so much could be accomplished by loving cannabis!

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Motherhood Sex Marijuana Podcast Founders Ruby Doll And Kai Storm On Their Journey In Cannabis And Brand-Building

HONEYSUCKLE MAGAZINE: What is the mission of Motherhood Sex Marijuana, and what motivated you to create the brand and podcast? 

KAI STORM: The mission is to create a safe space for all to come under the umbrella and feel free to just be, to build a community for cannabis enthusiasts to discuss all issues we face without judgment and to change the narrative on cannabis. Ruby gave me motivation when she introduced the idea to me. It took a minute and a few pulls on the blunt to mull it over, but I realized quickly that I literally live the life… I’m a mom, I still love sex, and cannabis is my main bitch, so it made sense to go with it. Motherhood Sex Marijuana is a million-dollar idea and Ruby and I have made it what it is today.

RUBY DOLL: While creating safe spaces, we hope to normalize conversations involving the subject matter. We speak to anyone and everyone regardless of their preferences and backgrounds. We are much more than a podcast. A true community of nurturers in various aspects. 

How did you two meet? How long have you worked together?

KAI Ruby and I used to live in Seattle; that’s how we met. About four years ago, Ruby and I attended a friend’s birthday party. I didn’t know her or anybody else at the party, but the hosts did put a bunch of stoners in a room together, so it makes sense that everyone would get along. Ruby approached me first because she’s West Coast friendly like that, but not me; as long as I lived in Seattle, I was Brooklyn NYC ALL DAY, so her approach was met with a slight “hi” and a brush off. A couple of hours later, when I’m high as fuck to the point where I needed to sit down and take a five minute break from the continuous cypher going around the room, Ruby sits next to me and starts a conversation. I then decided to participate in the conversation and from that moment on, I was happy that I spoke to her. I always say, everything happens for a reason and Motherhood Sex Marijuana needs to be a part of this world.

RUBY: I met Kai at a party hosted by mutual friends. She stood out, and I loved her no nonsense approach right off bat. I even knew we’d eventually collaborate in some fashion. Didn’t know she’d become a best friend. 

What is your background with the plant, and how do you feel cannabis is important to your journey as a woman?

KAI: I’ve been smoking weed since I was 16, I’m 52 now and still love the plant. I describe her as a female that lives in my house rent free, everybody knows her and no one is scared of her. I’ve gone to jail for cannabis and cannabis has saved me from going to jail. There was a time in my life where I may or may not have contemplated murder but didn’t, because I remembered how much weed I had in my stash. 

RUBY: I started pinching weed from my siblings [when] I was 13. I now consider myself an advocate of the plant, and love to share about its healing properties. Marijuana has helped through each of my pregnancies due to experiencing food aversions, preeclampsia, back pain, etc. each time. I encourage parents to do their own research pertaining to ingesting cannabis while pregnant 

How does being a parent shape your approach to the world, and particularly how does it influence your relationship with cannabis (and vice-versa)?

KAI: My three children are very aware of my relationship with cannabis; like I said, she lives here and anywhere in the world we go, she’s coming too or we’ll find her when we get there. I honestly think that if you asked my kids, they would tell you that they prefer when mom is high and not yelling. My oldest is 26 and she smokes too. so it’s never been an issue.

RUBY: Cannabis helps me to tune into myself, slow down (depending on the strain) when needed, and gives me an overall feeling of wellness. I am open with my children regarding my use of the plant, and share with them about the healing properties if and when they ask. I think by normalizing the subject, it takes the mystery out, and any stigmas that may still exist. 

Which subjects in cannabis do you feel are most overlooked? Why hasn't sexual wellness become more of a talking point in the cannabis space, and how is the Motherhood Sex Marijuana podcast helping rectify that?

KAI: The natural healing power within cannabis and CBD products. We’ve had a number of guests who have discussed their healing process and how cannabis was a part of their journey. We’ve also had guests dealing with sexual trauma and how they were grateful for the community we offered in order for them to feel free to share their story on our platform. When we invite guests on or someone requests to be on our podcast, it’s usually because they have a product or service and within those conversations, our guests feel free to speak on other subjects and we give them the floor to be comfortable. That’s the love we get for providing a ‘no judgment’ zone.

RUBY: MSM just hosted a sexual wellness event in NY where we collaborated with other entities to promote learning, sensual massage, wellness, art, and community. We intend on raising funds and awareness while creating more spaces and events around the globe. Our online presence is gaining some attention on various other platforms as well. We also have partnered with other organizations in the fight to decriminalize cannabis and promote responsible use. 

Through the podcast you cover many different aspects of the feminine experience, from motherhood to trans / nonbinary / queer experiences to entrepreneurship to trauma to spirituality. How do you find cannabis as a throughline in these diverse experiences, and what do you think the greatest power of being women in cannabis is?

KAI: No matter where you come from, where you live or who you fuck, the fact that we all have love for cannabis makes us a community. I literally learned that at the first weed fest I went to in Seattle because for me, I didn’t see much culture out there. A three-day weed fest, though, brought out everybody that loved weed to one place and that’s how I got to see how many different cultures love the plant. The greatest power of being women in weed is that we’re not just stoners, we’re stoners that know our worth!

RUBY: The importance of good mental health is the common goal when having to navigate through societal issues that we all face. Cannabis isn’t the only antidote, but surely helps when utilized responsibly. 

You create nurturing, healing, warm environments at your events and through your podcast conversations. How do you cultivate those environments?

KAI: It’s all about the guests actually, we let them know it’s a chill vibe, therefore everybody knows what to expect.

RUBY: Thank you. We seek to listen and learn and love that we do not have to be the experts by any means. Being nurturers 24/7 may help with that. The magic is when the energy is genuine and everyone can feel free to just be who they are and celebrated at the same time. 

What have been some of the most powerful conversations / events / experiences for you in exploring the themes in your podcast?

KAI: For me, it’s the ones you don’t expect. For instance, at our recent live show, we decided to interview audience members and within those conversations, there were stories of overcoming domestic violence, strong friendships and first time mom talks concerning cannabis. We were so grateful to be able to facilitate those conversations, to give those women the floor to speak their truth. 

RUBY: We had the privilege of interviewing some of our daughters on the podcast. It was interesting to hear their perspectives and trying to view them as individuals rather than merely our children. 

What excites you about the current status of the cannabis industry? What would you like to see change?

KAI: I lived in NYC during the time when if you got caught buying it, smoking it or smelling like weed, you were going to jail. So now that I have a choice between an official, overtaxed and overpriced dispensary and the plug, I “ride the fence,” as the lawyer in my head says to say, because we’re not admitting to any crimes here. I would love for dispensaries in NYC to be like the ones I loved in Seattle. The tax was already on the cost of the weed; they had great weed at discounted prices for the frugal buyers, loyalty points, 420 discounts, birthday discounts, etc.

RUBY: Learning different, efficient, and healthier ways to grow is more exciting than I ever thought. However, the laws are confusing and anyone currently incarcerated for anything that has to do with it should be released. 

What would you like to see from the cannabis space in terms of possibilities for women and weed (for consumers and for women working in the space)? 

RUBY: A woman’s touch is necessary for any industry. I don’t care [as much about] women being invited to the table if men are still incarcerated for its use and distribution.

KAI: I just want to see us all grow because we’re capable, we work hard, we smoke good, and deserve the best!! At the beginning of this year, Ruby and I set a goal to do a live show and we completed that goal this past July. The next goal is a paid world tour because Motherhood Sex Marijuana will build this community, this safe space, this no-judgment zone for all.

For more about MOTHERHOOD SEX MARIJUANA, visit motherhoodsexmarijuana.com, follow @motherhood_sex_marijuana on Instagram and check out podcast episodes on YouTube.

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