March 2024 Tarot Draw: Four Of Pentacles

Four Of Pentacles
A stable energy emerges. The dust begins to settle, giving way to a sense of control. If life felt out of balance, it suddenly seems manageable.
Organize your time and resources. Put things back in divine order - or create new structures to support you. Use this lull to shore up your life. Smart moves made this month keep you safe when the Universe decides to throw monkey wrenches your way.
The other side of this card is boundaries. There may be a few people who don't seem able to read your social cues. Be prepared to assert your boundaries again and again until they get it. If they still seem to disregard your comfort, show them the door. Protect your peace.
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Featured image: Four Of Pentacles from THE DARK DAYS TAROT (C) Wren McMurdo Brignac and Emily Mundi @wrensthreads. For more information and to purchase the deck, visit