July's Honeysuckle Tarot Draw

Two of Cups
The Two of Cups signals meetings, attraction, and cooperation, which means July could be ideal for networking, team working, and, if you’re single, for meeting a new love. What’s important now is that you are willing to put effort into your relationships. Whether you are trying to connect with someone new or looking to meet others halfway, effort is required on your part. What are you doing to make connections or foster good relationships? How are you showing up in all of your partnerships? Are you reaching out, or holding back and hoping that someone else will make the first move? The Two of Cups says: relationships are a two-way street. Do your part. Make your move. Open your heart and mind to others. You may be delighted to see what happens next. Theresa Reed (aka “The Tarot Lady”) has been a full-time Tarot card reader for close to 30 years. She is the author of The Tarot Coloring Book, an illustrated tour through the world of Tarot with coloring sheets for every card in the deck. Learn more about her at thetarotlady.com.—Art by Retro B, find her other artwork here @retro.b and here: bretroland.com.Stay tuned for more art and insightful tarot info our upcoming print edition ONE.