January 2024 Tarot Draw: Two Of Pentacles

Two Of Pentacles
The year begins with uncertainty. Some situations, particularly money, may seem to be in flux. While this may feel stressful, it's not impossible to manage. You must be adaptable. The more you go with the flow, the less likely you'll lose control. At times, you might be riddled with doubt. Keep going. Eventually, you'll work through that noise. By the time January comes to an end, you'll have a grasp on the issues - and a better sense of your priorities.
If you need to travel this month, keep your cool. There is an unpredictable energy present. Flights could be canceled at a moment's notice. While that sucks, it's not the end of the world. It's better to be safe than sorry. A bit of fancy footwork will help you find the way to your destination.
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Featured image: Two Of Pentacles from THE DARK DAYS TAROT (C) Wren McMurdo Brignac and Emily Mundi @wrensthreads. For more information and to purchase the deck, visit darkdaystarot.com.