Science Backed Wellness Products: CBD + Vitaldiol

By: Dan Le
As a consumer, transparency within the company and what they put in their products is crucial. People want to know what they put in their body and understandably so. For example, on food package labels, you can find the manufacturer’s name, address, and telephone number next to the ingredient list. This allows easy contact with a business in case of feedback or questions. It also allows public health officials to alert the public about potentially contaminated items and trace them back efficiently.
The question is, why isn’t the same level of detail provided with medical products?
It was mandated in 2012 by the FDA that drug manufacturers submit the same kind of information but because they are considered as “proprietary”, it is not disclosed publicly. While it is a step in the right direction, the matter is still unsolved. Patients and health-care professionals are missing out on proper lists of ingredients that can be critical to know.
Vitaldiol, a company that provides CBD based products, sets itself apart from the crowd by taking measures into their own hands and being as transparent as possible.
Their product lines are backed by science and founded upon the principle of keeping ingredients simple, safe and natural. Produced in a GMP-certified facility, everything they put out is THC-free, vegan and Non-GMO. When it comes to going the extra mile, they made sure that the tincture that they offer is USDA-certified organic.
"Hemp Derivative products have been stigmatized by the public eye for so long when in reality have shown efficacy in numerous clinical trials. At Vitaldiol, our goal is to dispel this common notion and improve people's well-being through science-based & evidence backed ingredients in an approachable way" says Chris Wong.
The goal is to provide research-based facts in an easily digestible way without overwhelming the consumer with fancy scientific jargon. Not everyone knows what certain ingredients are and what their purpose is and that is normal. This modern approach to over the counter products gives the power of knowledge back to the public.
While they can’t guarantee longevity or immortality, they are confident in their ability to give the best resources needed to live an invigorating and fulfilling lifestyle.
“Being proactive in maintaining our health rather than reactive is vital to living a fulfilling life, and Vitaldiol is here to make that easy, fun and affordable” comments Mackenzie Whalen.
Their products, composed of capsules and an essential tincture, all serve different purposes and are named according to what they do. Recover aims to boost cellular health by revitalizing cells. Relief, which has tumeric, targets pains and inflammation. Rest, with its melatonin, is designed to help sleep issues. Each one is carefully crafted to provide the best results.
With natural ingredients and informational labels, Vitaldiol is ensuring their clientele is informed and empowered with the tools to live a healthy lifestyle that works for them.