EXXXOTICA Expo Makes a Triumphant Return to the Tri-State Area

Last month, the EXXXOTICA Expo brought sexy back to the tri-state area, welcoming thousands of men, women, and couples back with a message splayed on a massive banner over the entryway that read “It’s About F***ing Time.” The three-day conference was returning to the New Jersey Expo Center in Edison after a whopping 726 days since the site hosted the adult convention. The event produced by Three Expo Events and presented by MyFreeCams helped reestablish itself as the nation’s largest convention dedicated to sex.

Thousands of people were expected to participate in the event after advanced ticket sales surpassed the previous record set at the 10th-anniversary show in 2017, and the numbers did not disappoint! The three-day event kicked off with a ‘Ladies Free’ promotion on Friday, Oct. 24, and continued over the weekend. On all three days, attendees were met with opportunities to mingle with their favorite adult stars, many of whom had their booths for fan meet-and-greets. They could also catch one of the dozens of performances on the ChaturBate Entertainment Stage, with a full schedule of acts that varied from the sensual to the bizarre.

If attendees were searching for something more educational, they could also venture to the SexPert corner, where many of the educators from EXXXOTICA’s Seminar Series were featured as exhibitors.  Licensed Professional Educator Kate Oliver sat at the entrance of the Seminar Series, representing the charity dedicated to sex education and ethics that she founded, The KINDer Foundation.

When asked about the importance of having an educational sector for this event, Oliver said, “We’re here because we want to normalize conversations about sex, so that we can raise the next generation without shame or blame. The reason the Sexpert corner is so important is that they are really bridging that gap with all of this educational material from people who have knowledge. People here are looking for information, and this corner is the gateway to discovery and exploration.”  

The series schedule, curated by EXXXOTICA’s Resident Sexpert, Tyomi Morgan, was packed with over twenty hours of interactive adult sex education from respected names in the sexual education industry. After the event, Honeysuckle was able to chat with veteran Exxotica Seminar sexperts, Laydee Vee and Dee Black following their seminar, “Bae is Bisexual, Now What?”. The two are no strangers to sharing the intricacies of their life with the public, having been featured on HBOMax’s show This is Life with Lisa Lang in their season 6 episode about swingers.

Honeysuckle: Can you tell us a little about yourselves and your history as sexperts?

Laydee Vee:  We have been together for a while. We started with groups of friends coming together for a relationship forum after we realized we were the only married couple out of all of our friends. We built DV Passion from there. We started doing video interviews because people were picking up on the relationship advice we were giving.

How did you get involved as educators for EXXXOTICA, and how long have you been doing this?

LV: We met up with Glamazon Tyomi, who is like a sister, and she was like, ‘You guys got something, and a lot of people need to hear y'all and not just the people on the internet.’ So we both talked about it and tried to figure out what classes would work for the both of us to teach. We've been coaching for so long, but teaching was really new for us until EXXXOTICA. Tyomi became the resident sexpert for EXXXOTICA and brought us on to teach seminars.

Dee Black: From there, we taught our first class at EXXXOTICA Chicago 2017. We did “Bae is Bisexual, Now what?”. That was followed by a class on face-sitting that is still one of our biggest classes. We’ve been doing them ever since. Face-sitting has taken us a long way, and it's because it has universal appeal. It can apply to men or women, and that makes it more relatable. People enjoy it, but they aren’t sure how to enjoy it comfortably, and that’s why the class is so popular.

How has being featured in the SexPert corner and seminars helped you personally?

LV: EXXXOTICA has been a blessing in all forms. We were actually featured on This is Life with Lisa Ling, which is on HBOMax. We were the only African American couple featured in the documentary, which put us in a good light because we were representing our kind. And I think, even with EXXXOTICA, we do it in every city. We try to get out as much as possible because our culture has to be represented. There are Black people who like to have sex.

DB: And there are Black people who like to enjoy kink, and there’s nothing wrong with them experiencing what they want to experience. When they see couples like us or other sexperts, they feel comfortable talking to us. It’s like, ‘if ya’ ’ll are comfortable talking about that, what else can you talk to me about?’

You can catch EXXXOTICA Expo at their debut in the Washington, DC metro area at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA, December 3rd-5th, 2021.
Stay tuned to EXXXOTICA’s official website, https://EXXXOTICAexpo.com, for all announcements about the DC show and 2022’s dates.