Elevated Elegance: Cannabis-Inspired Kind Fine Jewelry

Shella Eckhouse is a confident woman who can reassure you and inspire you to radiate your own badassery. With over 20 years of business experience as a graduate gemologist crafting the finest quality jewelry, Eckhouse knows what she’s doing. Her most recent collection, fittingly named Kind Fine, is a diverse line with “pieces for every outfit,” from tasteful studs to a blingy diamond cannabis flower pendant to a cheeky 420 necklace.  The collection elevates the plant to a new level of class. Each piece is crafted with care and finesse right in the heart of NYC.

“I work in the diamond district and all pieces are crafted right there,” Eckhouse says. Of the pieces in her collection, she enthuses, “I love them all, they’re all my babies.”

On top of this, Kind Fine has partnered with the nonprofit organization Patients Out of Time, which works to educate healthcare professionals and the public at large about the medical benefits of cannabis. Patients Out of Time receives a percentage of the proceeds from each Kind Fine piece sold that Eckhouse has designed for their partnership. This means you can now advocate for cannabis, support a good cause, and look fabulous while doing it.

“Being an advocate and being active in the cannabis community is something I hope to keep doing,” Eckhouse emphatically states. Patients Out of Time is a cause particularly close to home. “My mother died a few years ago of cancer and she used cannabis medicinally, which helped her tremendously,” Eckhouse says. “I just feel like if cannabis helps you at the end of your life, it should be acceptable.”

Although she concedes that her cannabis-inspired collection is still societally taboo enough to be considered “edgy,” Eckhouse is hopeful for the immediate future. “The climate has changed and is evolving constantly. All people should be wearing their passions… [Despite the challenges] I think 2020 will be a great year for cannabis and the plant, whether it be hemp for paper, CBD for anxiety, whatever.” With women like Eckhouse taking a leading role in the increasingly powerful cannabis industry, there is indeed a lot to look forward to.

Shella Eckhouse, founder of Kind Fine Jewelry. (C) Phil Blair, @aphilseyeview

For more information on Kind Fine Jewelry, visit kindfinejewelry.com or follow on Instagram at @kindfinejewelry. To learn more about Patients Out of Time, visit medicalcannabis.com or follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

A version of this article was published in Honey Pot’s UNDER THE FEMALE INFLUENCE issue. Read the entire issue here and on our apps for iTunes, Google Play, and Zinio.