Dear Rebel: ArtsyMama

Dear Rebel,What is my life purpose? I have lost myself and I’m trying to find my way back!!I am going through a separation after 25 years of being with the same man. My kids and I moved out on January 1st. This is a good thing for me. For the first time in a long time I’m not afraid to dream of my future. But I’m not sure what that future holds. I don’t know who I am anymore or what I want to be “when I grow up.” Any advice would be wonderful.Sending hugs, ArtsyMama Dear ArtsyMama,Congratulations on making the right decision for yourself. It feels like a momentous time because it is. Saturn and asteroid Chiron are both transiting your midheaven, the point in your chart that signifies your vocation and public life, so figuring out your next direction is exactly what your astrology of the moment is asking you to do. You are being pushed to grow up in a new way, shifting your focus from the insular nest of your home and family to your place in the larger world.Your Virgo Midheaven is enhanced, shall we say, by Pluto conjunct from the 10th house. Pluto here suggests that you are powerful, more powerful than you seem to know right now, and that you have the ability to transform your life. This Saturn square to your midheaven and natal Pluto throughout 2017 is asking you to take on the hard work of figuring out who you are and what you want. A Saturn-Pluto transit is about death and rebirth. You’ve let go of who you used to be, and now you’re in the process of becoming who you will be. Give yourself time. It’s not easy. The contacts that Saturn is making to your natal and progressed moon show that this is helpful for you emotionally, but it’s also requiring blood, sweat, and tears. The asteroid Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer, is opening up some very old wounds regarding your childhood, family, identity, life direction, and personal power. You have to deal with any unresolved issues as they come up in order to heal and move on. Your current transits require absolute honesty from you. Secrets may be revealed this year. Be willing to face the truth.You say you don’t know who you are anymore, but your chosen pseudonym “ArtsyMama” provides a couple of clues. Art and motherhood must be important to you. I can see that reflected in your chart. You have a stellium of three planets in the fifth house, signifying an emphasis on creativity, play, and children. Perhaps your work now is to develop your personal power as an artist, and learn to express who you are through creative mediums. There are also many aspects in your chart that suggest a talent for healing. It seems you have a desire to see beneath the surface of things, to investigate questions and find out why. In anything you choose to do, you will be known for your detailed attention to your craft. As for your life purpose, that’s a question we could explore for the rest of your life! Life purpose sometimes differs from your job title and public image. Your Aquarius North Node in the third house suggests that your best path involves humanitarian goals, being of service to friends and neighbors. Those acts of service will likely involve communicating your unique message to others. You could accomplish this in many ways, through creativity, performance, activism, healing arts, or spirituality.Your task right now is to take things day by day. You’ve just made an enormous change for yourself and your family. Your future is already happening. Don’t worry too much about where you will be ten years from now. 2017 for you is about healing old wounds, developing self-reliance, and slowly creating the life you want. It’s intense at the moment, but things will get a little easier by next year. Day by day, you can let go of old habits and old ideas about yourself. Take the time to get to know yourself as you are now.Sending hugs right back,Rebel          To answer your life questions email with details of birth place and time!