April 2024 Tarot Draw: The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man
Some things seem to be in suspension. Rather than fight that vibe, it's best to lay low, put up your feet, and hang loose. Don't struggle. Let it all work itself out. Soon, you'll see what's up and where to go. But that won't happen if you push for answers. They'll emerge on their own without your intervention.
The Hanged Man may also indicate a sacrifice. In order to achieve a certain goal, you must be willing to give something up. While that may sting, in the long run, it will be worth it. Trust the Universe to sort it out.
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@thetarotlady (IG)
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Featured image: THE HANGED MAN, The Wooden Tarot (C) Andrew Swartz @skullgarden. For more about the deck, click here.