7 Things You Should Know About Cannabis
Cannabis used to be a taboo topic, but times have changed and today, people are taking an open approach to what it is and what it’s used for. With some countries legalizing recreational cannabis use, it has only helped push the conversation along. Despite that fact, many people still disapprove of cannabis, just like many disapprove of skateboarding, cryptocurrency, or online casinos that accept Trustly. While it’s not unusual for people to frown upon certain things, sometimes that is just due to a lack of knowledge.
For that reason, we’re going to examine seven things about cannabis you may not know.
Cannabis Can Damage Your Lungs
It’s common knowledge that smoking cigarettes can harm your lungs, but all too often people overlook that the same can be said for cannabis. Those who consider themselves regular cannabis smokers are more prone to health issues like bronchitis. There are cancer-causing chemicals in cannabis, just like in smoking. What’s even more damaging is if a person smokes both tobacco and cannabis. Doing this drastically increases your chances of health issues.
There Is a Link Between Cannabis and Certain Health Issues
Also in the realm of well-being, research has shown that smoking cannabis can cause cardiovascular disease and even a stroke. Both of these can be serious, even life-threatening, conditions. What’s interesting is that it’s not the plant or the active ingredients that can cause these issues, but rather the smoke. It’s worth noting that these issues take years’ worth of smoking to develop. That means there’s no time like the present to quit – or at least switch to edibles.
Smoking Cannabis While Pregnant Can Be Harmful
Here’s another thing that cannabis has in common with tobacco: pregnant women are advised not to smoke cannabis, as it can harm the fetus. More specifically, it can negatively impact the baby’s brain development and even cause premature labor. Premature labor can lead to a bevy of health complications for the baby. The earlier the baby is born, the more serious the consequences can be.
Cannabis Is a Plant That Grows Naturally
Did you know that cannabis is a plant that grows naturally in different regions? There are three types of cannabis plants: cannabis ruderalis, cannabis indica, and cannabis sativa.
In the U.K., cannabis indica plants are the most commonly cultivated. Growers tend to prefer this plant because it’s low-maintenance and contains a high level of cannabidiol (CBD) and the active compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is unlawful to possess or cultivate cannabis plants without the requisite Home Office license.
The cannabis plant is most commonly found in regions such as northern India, Mexico, the United States, some parts of Africa, and Australia. The countries that consume the most cannabis include Uruguay, New Zealand, Jamaica, Canada, and the United States.
Cannabis Can Be Used in Various Forms
Cannabis can be ingested in a few different ways. If it’s in the dried herb form, it can be inhaled using a bong, smoked, or mixed into food. When it comes to the CBD found in cannabis, which is legal in the U.K., it can be used for different health reasons and benefits, such as skincare, as a topical treatment, in makeup, and for treating issues such as anxiety. In these cases, it may be found in topical products, pills, or even gummy form.
Is Cannabis Addictive?
People often ask if cannabis is addictive. The short answer to that question is yes, but there is more to it than that. A study conducted by the Addiction and Mental Health Group at the University of Bath (UK), has taken a look at how potency factors into the equation. The study shows that as the potency and strength of cannabis increases, so does its addictiveness.
What does strength and potency mean? It refers to how much THC is in the cannabis product. If you were to compare cannabis from years past, and especially decades ago, it was much less potent. This is why it may seem like addiction wasn’t talked about as much back then; it wasn’t as big of a problem.
Does Cannabis Cause Hallucinations?
There are plenty of myths and misconceptions about cannabis, one of which is that it causes people to hallucinate. This isn’t usually the case, though some studies have shown that THC levels of more than 18% can cause temporary psychosis and even hallucinations. So once again, the outcome is based on potency.
Looking at it closer, it is the THC that acts as the psychoactive component. That is what makes a person feel ‘high’ or can trigger hallucinations. There are cannabis products with very low quantities and even no THC in them that are unlikely to create such negative side effects.
There is something called cannabis-induced psychosis disorder (CIPD) that can happen, but there are risk factors involved. Potency is a big one, but also things such as age, genetics, and frequency of use. Some of the most common symptoms of CIPD include memory loss, disorganised speech, confusion, difficulty expressing emotions, and unusual thoughts.
There Is Still A Lot to Learn About Cannabis
After looking through all of these interesting pieces of information, it becomes clear that there’s still plenty to learn about cannabis and its uses. While it may not have deserved the bad reputation it once had, there are enough red flags that people need to be aware of what can happen to their minds and bodies if they regularly smoke cannabis.